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user_12711 (4 months ago)

In a relationship with a guy now apparently.

user_17480 (about 1 year ago)

Missing him

Cheekywank (over 2 years ago)

I wonder what happened to him?? he got interesting just as he started messing around with twinks on cam then stopped broadcasting, talk about leaving us hanging

LTD84 (over 8 years ago)

He did a hot show with a twink boy a few weeks ago. Lots of sucking and kissing, I bet Alpha fucked the shit outta him once the cam went off! lucky kid

user_7406 (over 8 years ago)

Oh they fucked for sure! Alpha's cock was already half way inside the little boys hole when he closed off the cam. I don't think he was brave enough to let people watch but now the line is crossed its only a matter of time before it happens again and on cam!

user_8507 (over 9 years ago)

love u bb

robatista@l (over 10 years ago)

Please follow this muscled, handsome and HUNG boy:

his dick full hard is the size of his forearm ..

user_6513 (over 10 years ago)

USADavid is an old man and this is where most of the profile pics he uses come from. Sugarbutt should just give it up because everyone knows he is a big liar and fake. And as for that tub of lard Scoobskitts you should see the pics of her someone capped from when she was drunk on Cam4.

user_5721 (over 10 years ago)

Apparently user_4382 is a troll that didn't like his experience. Guy is a real gentleman that when properly tipped, is highly motivated to show you a good time. Please remember guys, he is a str8 guy that is sharing his personal time to try and make money. Respect

user_4382 (over 10 years ago)

Always drunk on cam and always on his mobile too. He has accounts at every cam site online. has some major erection issues too
