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user_8831 (over 9 years ago)

I don't care if he is lying about his age or not but what I do know is that he is very stalkerish and needy. He seems desperate for attention from various guys and goes to extremes in order to get it. I watched him in one guys room and after Rand left the performer let out a 'thank god, nice guy but too needy' That sums randl up.

user_7602 (over 9 years ago)

Another 30 year old guy pretending to be 20. His join date is 2010 and he has been broadcasting in all that time. Which means he would have been underage when on cam. See his mistake by changing his age? Cam4 should ban his sorry ass for that alone. He also recently changed his status to gay when he was straight previously. Just another str8 guy chasing the gay dollar. Save your tokens for the real gays.

user_7900 (over 9 years ago)

I hadn't thought of that. He has indeed been broadcasting since 2010 so no way can he be 20 unless he broke international porn laws which would land him in jail if someone reported him. lmao
