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user_18334 (5 months ago)

Felix is the troll. He creates fake accounts to abuse Matt with so that Felix can then come in and save the day. Don't know how after 15 years Matt can't see it.

user_17867 (about 1 year ago)

I always suspected the serial troll Cntryboi4cok was an alter ego of Felix and Scoobs once told me that Matt revealed to her Felix was from Carolina (then Matt begged her to never repeat what he told her) which is where Cntryboi4cok's IP got traced to after he targeted the wrong person.

user_17624 (over 2 years ago)

Kim knows about about Felix and the stuff he has done guys. I have the screen shots of me and her discussing it about 4 years ago. She told me he had been warned and that the evidence was very strong. He only got a final chance because of Matt's status on the site. In a nutshell, Felix had been setting up alternative accounts to abuse people with. I believe one of the things he was investigated for was trying to frame someone else for abuse he had committed. Felix's account was in fact SUSPENDED by admin when it was linked to another account committing serious trolling. Felix was allowed back on one final warning. He made up cock and bull story up about how it was accidently deleted. It wasn't, admin removed it hence why it came back fully intact when they gave him his final chance.

user_12491 (over 2 years ago)

Its kinda sad really that Felix became such a destructive force. I know a lot of people used to avoid going into the rooms where Felix would mod as being harassed by his fake accounts if you upset him just wasn't worth the hassle.

user_12491 (over 2 years ago)

Matt is looking so good at the min, love the extra weight he is carrying.

user_17471 (over 2 years ago)

This discussion about Felix is interesting because 3 or 4 years ago now Scoobskitts told me that Felix was behind the arrest of both LoganChase and Boner5150 in April 2016. Both were arrested within days of each other for doing public shows. Apparently Felix was behind the police tip off as he was envious both guys had the same tippers Matt did and viewed them as a threat. There was also something else about fitdude82 and mountainhard both ceasing camming in April 2016 because Felix doxed both in a revenge attack on Calvin who Felix had some kind of issue with. The time lines do all seem to match up with a lot of what has been posted here.

user_29098 (over 2 years ago)

His show was only pure nonsense. In CB only his c4 tippers support him, his hsow does not work in CB. Simply: his time ended already.

user_16915 (over 2 years ago)

Felix was also doxing people in revenge which is actually illegal. Matt made a big mistake allowing Felix to get so involved in the running of his affairs.

MeInDallas (over 3 years ago)

They will never admit it but Felix is a big part of why cam4 failed and Chaturbate surged. I used to sometimes lurk in Wolf's room where him Felix and others would gather and night after night all they would do is bitch and moan about performers they wanted off the site, then all these troll accounts would appear to abuse said performers. We all knew it was Felix so did Kim but she was too scared to lose Matt as a performer so turned a blind eye. It cost her in the long run. The trick Felix would use is to troll himself with the fake accounts so he could look like the victim too, sometimes he would even try to blame others for it so he could look like the hero. I'm pleased that guy discovered his IP was from Carolina and not Germany, just wish he had taken legal action against him.

user_12491 (over 3 years ago)

Oh god yeah! I remember this, (the way they would gather in Wolf guys room) they would always end the night by picking a profile they would ''bomb'' with one star. Its a shame that little gang drove so many decent people off the site with their immaturity.

faronejames (over 3 years ago)

A lot of people knew that rate a profile 1 star thing was going on. I think most didn't speak out at the time because they liked Matt. Felix was poison for cam4 and yeah Kim knew it.

MeInDallas (over 2 years ago)

Its kinda sad that over a decade later, Felix, Andy and 'Sharko' are still spending 7 hours everyday on cam4. What a waste of their lives.

user_17330 (over 2 years ago)

A few years ago on Twitter there was twink called Ryan19X - the account was deleted shortly after ''Ryan'' made a series of claims about how him and Matt had been meeting up for sex. Does anyone know anything else about it?

user_29098 (over 2 years ago)

Mattkayd"s show = decadence of cam4 = the same silly tippers = Parody of a sex show = mattkayd's erection (never gets hard 100%

user_12491 (over 2 years ago)

I disagree with that, Matt is/was a great sex performer. Like everyone else has wrote here the problem was his obsessive sidekick Felix and all the stalking/bullying Felix did of people he viewed as a threat to Matt. I know of a performer who Felix faked screen shots of in order to get him banned. Its bizarre how Kim let this go on for so long. I bet Felix has lost that site thousands and thousands of dollars.

user_3234 (over 2 years ago)

Matt did know, I think he tried to keep Felix in line but really he should have cut all ties with Felix once it became apparent Felix had been the one causing serious harassment to firefightpat, there are at least 20 other performers that Felix caused similar issues for and yes as Rosie outlines below he also set up blogs filled with personal information he had gathered about cam4 members and used it as a way of scaring them into leaving the site. He is an awful, horrible person.

_rosa_ (over 2 years ago)

Yes Felix was very bad person. He set up hate blogs about several users of cam4 in an attempt to smear them too. Matt must have known.

chubbychaser (over 2 years ago)

The failure by Kim to ban Felix for all the trolling and harassment he did to fellow models he viewed as a threat to Matt is why so many left cam4 and went to chaturbate. Matt should probably apologise to each and every person that Felix bullied and drove off cam4.

user_29098 (over 2 years ago)

Sorry but you all so much care gives to that apple guy with old pics who was a mod of that brit bald clown called mattkayd. It's simple: cam4 entered in decadence due to itself: stupid shows like mattkayd's/ stupid mods like mattkayd's and stupid tippers like mattkayds. Besides cam4 didn't seem to be a site of this century, for example its stats for making your profile is really stupid, you are forced to be tagged as strai8, bi or gay, male, fem, trans; idiot cam4 besides mix stats for gay people for straight people, yo could see idiot male models' profiles saying "straigh" + top or verstaile or bottom WTF!

user_12119 (over 3 years ago)

Thank god I'm not the only one who could see Felix Bukhi for the troll he was/is. Cam4 should have banned his sorry ass years ago after he drove firefightpat off the site with his hate campaign and smears. All because Felix viewed Pat as a threat to Matt.

MeInDallas (over 3 years ago)

Pretty much everyone knew. I used to always tip TaylorJohn. That was until Felix came into the room, tricked Taylor into making him mod then poisoned Taylor against myself and several others. So Taylor lost out on tippers because Felix wanted to control him. Taylor ended up having to quit cam4 because no one would visit his room. All because of Felix!

Mikey8 (over 3 years ago)

He barely seems to cam now sadly.

user_16905 (over 3 years ago)

Well his moderator was cunt. My cam buddy was being stalked by all these random accounts both on cam4 and on twitter, what the stalker didn't know was that my cam buddy worked for the CIA so he was able to get hold of all kinds of info. They tracked the stalker to Carolina and it only turned out to be Felix Bukhi....

Aleks James (over 3 years ago)

Not much of a secret though, almost everyone on Cam4 knew Felix was a bad person with control issues. That's why Matt ended up only having the same several tippers each show as so many avoided his room purely because of Felix and the things he had done. Matt himself probably had no idea his moderator was such a troll. The stuff Felix did to try and harm firefightpat will never be forgotten and shame on Kim for knowing he did it and not acting.

user_8491 (over 10 years ago)

amazing man, everything about this man is beautiful.. Matt you are such a great guy and friend thank you for being so awesome

user_11668 (over 9 years ago)

Spot on user_8491

user_8754 (over 9 years ago)

I really love your shows!!!! You are the best model ever!!! The best body!!! The best cock!!! The best load!!! LOVE YOU A LOT!!!!

user_11665 (over 9 years ago)

Agreed user_8754. Watched his show earlier tonight, great guy.

LTD84 (over 9 years ago)

Perfect showman.

user_10754 (over 9 years ago)

He is! although sometimes you can feel pushed out of his room by more dominant members.

user_2125 (over 9 years ago)

i have no idea he is #1 on here in 5 years ive been looking at cam4 i dont think ive seen him 2 times ? Never mind his pic and body surely arent reason he is number 1 ive seen alot better thousand times in last 5 years

user_29098 (over 9 years ago)

:-D His show is silly. Sure the same person with many many accounts logs in here to comment good about him. MK's cock never gets hard at all and cumming with a half hard cock and i think he isn't the best, but of course, he's well supported by silly english spokers tippers. The best cam4's male performer is Latino23bom, Latino23bom's shows are full of sexual energy instead MK's shows which are full of nonsenses (always are in Halloween) waving his soft cock.

user_1924 (over 9 years ago)

Because of this, I will never go see the one you recommend. You're making more harm than good as usual.

user_10258 (over 9 years ago)

A screen shot is worth 1000 bitter untrue Telemaco words

user_1924 (over 9 years ago)

Because of this, I will never go see the one you recommend. You're making more harm than good as usual.

user_9953 (over 9 years ago)

Sharko469 is the bully of this room

user_9858 (over 9 years ago)

I don't care if he gets aroused when younger guys are around. Matt is a voyeur so gets off on people watching him. His shows are some of the best on Cam4. Instead of posting lame ass comments just sit back and enjoy.

user_9389 (over 9 years ago)

Matt, you're a Champ at SHOWMANSHIP!! You know how to get us all Hot and Horny. Thanks for your great shows!!

user_9388 (over 9 years ago)

U Remain NUMERO UNO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No One Can Compete With YOU!!!!!!!!

user_8831 (over 9 years ago)

I wouldn't say I was a fan but he does put a lot of effort into his shows and that makes him one of the best on Cam4. Keep up the good work Matt.

user_8757 (over 9 years ago)

The most handsome sexy man there. you always end up in the # 1 spot. you're so sexy & manly! I love watching you!

user_8755 (over 9 years ago)

My first time here, you are one heck of a nice guy! I'm sure I speak for a lot of people saying "thank you"! You're the best!!

user_8690 (over 10 years ago)

Personally I think his shows were better before all this King nonsense started. Now he has a huge ego and his room is dominated by the same small clique. If you aren't part of that then you are excluded from most of the fun.

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

Was the best yesterday is the best today and will be the best tomorrow for a straight man you perform well for the gay guys who love every sexy dirty horny show you do some potential cam models need to take some tips off you, keep up the good work I love you

user_8681 (over 10 years ago)

This is one great guy, so easy to chat to and he does chat with you. Such a handsome, really nice guy.

user_8680 (over 10 years ago)

Got to be one of the hottest guys on cam4, if not the HOTTEST. great show mate. thank you very much.

Leeds, you? (over 10 years ago)

sweet man with amazing body. always a fun room with the nicest members of cam4 in it

user_8503 (over 10 years ago)

Rather pathetic one of Matt's over eager fans is creating daily accounts on here just to post comments and to follow him in a attempt to make him look more popular than he is. If Matt was number 1 on his own merits I would say well done. Sadly he is only number 1 on here because its been cheated.

user_8501 (over 10 years ago)

Matt is a natural performer - don't you love a confident, self-assured, non assuming bloke.

user_8462 (over 10 years ago)

A genuinely warm, affectionate, conscientious hot guy -- a rarity on cam4.

user_8461 (over 10 years ago)

que barbarooo dejando correo y todoo!! jajajaja a vende muchos tamales.. y ya no miren mucho a mi hombre matt jajajaja saludos a todos

user_8460 (over 10 years ago)

My first time on cam4 and he was sexy and fun. He spoke to me and his room made me feel welcome, not like the others. I will watch again and again,

user_8459 (over 10 years ago)

Matt is a great guy. It is sad that people have to be so jealous and mean as to leave negative comments and lies here. Just don't watch him if you do not like him. Simple

user_8458 (over 10 years ago)

Hot body and excellent personality .... look forward to seeing your sexy hung ass every time I log on !! Cheers for the kick as show

user_8457 (over 10 years ago)

Would love to eat out his ass. It is beautiful.

user_8456 (over 10 years ago)

A great performer. Love him to pieces.

user_8455 (over 10 years ago)

Most if not all of these comments have been made by quietstorm21. He is the only person on Cam4 who has an issue with st8 guys 'chasing the gay dollar' go check out his profile rant and judge for yourself but these remarks on here match up with everything he has posted on his bio. There is your cam notifier troll guys.... Mr quietstorm21

user_8454 (over 10 years ago)

Hot, playful, open-minded and very straight - worth the follow
He gets into his shows and actually talks to viewers

user_8453 (over 10 years ago)

Awesome show the other night, the flesh light and whispers was my favourite

user_8452 (over 10 years ago)

Matt Kayd is the best on cam 4. Everyone needs to check out his awesome shows! Handsome, hung and super friendly! Love this guy.

user_8451 (over 10 years ago)

Matt spoils you for any other cammers - hot hung really straight fun and amazing shows Matt is a great performer and gives the BEST shows

user_8450 (over 10 years ago)

Maybe the best cam shows on - sexy with a great personality and smashing sense of fun with an awesome sense of humor. Treats viewers like they matter. Awesome tumblr @mattkayd

user_8449 (over 10 years ago)

Always copied, never duplicated, you are THE KING of cam4. May your reign be long and prosperous

user_8448 (over 10 years ago)

I hope you're producing your own porn professionally & selling it all around the world. You put out a premium product. No one else dresses up like you. No one is as handsome or as nice & generous as you. There is NO ONE on C4 like you. You're #1

user_8447 (over 10 years ago)

Love you're shows very hot !! Very sexy man great ass and cock ;) xx

user_8446 (over 10 years ago)

Way way better show than any one on the site. Str8 guy with all the talents a gay guy wishes for and much more!

user_8445 (over 10 years ago)

Another AWESOME show once again! Truly the BEST on cam4! He just gets better and better!

user_8444 (over 10 years ago)

Last night's show was awesome in its sexiness, Still unique, still way ahead of any competition and I had the best time!!

user_8043 (over 10 years ago)

Another awesome show last night! Matt Kayd is the BEST performer on cam4! A true alpha male that delivers outstanding performances every time! All hail King Kayd!

user_8388 (over 10 years ago)

He seems to have become very big headed. Felix used to be a great mod but he has also become very arrogant. Seems they fell into the clique mentality.

user_8353 (over 10 years ago)

Matt is a great guy and I don't know why people have to be so jealous as to leave negative comments here.

SouthCarolina, you? (over 10 years ago)

Haters will hate. Matty is the king. Envy brings out the worst in people as Telemaco proves. You keep posting your bullshit while Matt laughs all the way to the bank with his record amount of tokens - who is the real loser here! ha

user_29098 (over 10 years ago)

Ur only a poor idiot fan, better get a life before to worship to mud gods, and stopping to waste hours of ur life watching his show, retard!

user_29098 (over 10 years ago)

His show has never called my attention, really i can not understand why many people/tippers follow/tip him. I do not find his show like a "sexual thing for turning people on", it is mostly bla bla bla bla plus making nonsense things. I think all people who follwos him maybe does not have anybody to talk with (they are "solitarie") so this means why a lot of tippers wasting tips just for he talks them. What can more else mean his show? well, there is a lot of people who can not accept hisself like gays. Really i do not understand to somebody who says "im not gay/bi just not avergage str8", that is so stupid similar to the things that you can see on his show. Yeah, he's the King "the King of the fools". P.S.: It's no true he is good sense of humor, he despairs when notices chats & comments that he does not like and "ban". A "great personality" never pay attention to "anoying people" and I know a lot of performers who really do not care this kind of people in their rooms. Something else: he had a picture where supposedly he is fucking a girl, really a girl?, she (better he) really was a cross dressed, if his fans say the opposite so they are so blind.

user_7712 (over 10 years ago)

No one asked for your lame ass opinion so just fuck off you pathetic loser. Matt is King because he holds 3 cam4 records that no one else has ever matched. So suck on that retard.

user_29098 (over 10 years ago)

Ur only a poor idiot fan, better get a life before to worship to mud gods, retard!

user_8236 (over 10 years ago)

why he go to?

user_8149 (over 10 years ago)

Got to hand it to this guy. He won't take any shit, knows what he is and gets on with it. Best way to be. I hear he holds the cam4 record for most tokens ever received during a single show. Congrats on that buddy.

user_7837 (over 10 years ago)

I don't understand his appeal. Unless its a want what you can't have type of thing. I think he is more than a little bi curious. He seems to get very horny if younger guys are watching him. He should just fuck one of them to get it out of his system. Its what he secretly wants.

user_1924 (over 10 years ago)

Maybe the best cam shows on - sexy with a great personality and smashing sense of fun with an awesome sense of humor. Treats viewers like they matter. Awesome tumblr @mattkayd

user_7390 (over 10 years ago)

The KING of CAM4. Cum worship at the alter of Kayd. Haters will be stoned, loyalists rewarded. Follow him on Twitter, tumblr and make sure you subscribe to his shows.

user_7344 (over 10 years ago)

King Kayd all the way. Be sure to check out his website fellas and make sure you follow him on Twitter. I would also like to say right now its not up to Quietstorm21 to be going around Cam4 with FuckNForg0t and Cntryboi4cok as his sidekicks telling everyone that Matt is all about the gay dollar. Who ever tippers choose to tip is their business so you Quietstorm21 just fuck off and mind your own.

user_7291 (over 10 years ago)

Matty is the king of cam4. He leaves all the other male performers in the shade. No one can match him. He has set records for the most tokens ever received during a single show and is now in the process of a 24 hour live cam show. This is why Matty is the king. You have to ignore haters like Cntryboi4cok who use many different accounts to post abuse about Matt and his mod Felix. Cntry is just a jealous fuck. Ask people like Scoobkitts to tell you everything about what Cntryboi4cok has done to people over the years and just how many people he has harassed off the site with his stalking.

user_7244 (over 10 years ago)

Awesome tumblr and twitter @mattkayd

robatista@l (over 10 years ago)

Please follow this muscled, handsome and HUNG boy:

his dick full hard is the size of his forearm ..

user_7081 (over 10 years ago)

Matt would be a millionair if only he would be willing to fuck and be fucked by a guy. Its much better than a dildo. You don't know what you are missing out on.

user_7050 (over 10 years ago)

Really top-notch tumblr he has - best ever seen! Whilst he not on cam I look at his pics and hot vids.

user_7042 (over 10 years ago)

The best on all of Cam4. He has great website too.

user_6904 (over 10 years ago)

Matt is the ultimate king of Cam4. He is the leading male of the site. No other guy comes close. Not only does Matt continue to set cam4 records he has the best group of loyal fans on the site. You have to ignore bitter comments from the likes of quietstorm21 and his fag hag. They are bitter people who only go on Cam4 to bitch and moan.

Long live King Kayd!

user_6579 (over 10 years ago)

I wish he would at least try going gay 4 pay. he could make himself a millionaire. There must be at least one local guy who Matt can fuck senseless for us all

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

Great shows true professional knows how to get you going

user_6307 (over 10 years ago)

I love Matt. He makes this twink very happy!! and you really should check out and buy the videos on his site.

user_6024 (over 10 years ago)

Cool new website too - Vids are Awesome!

user_5701 (over 10 years ago)

I love this man. I'm just 16 but he made me 100% sure I was gay. Now I watch every single show he does. One day I will buy all his hot videos too. Shame I can't ever meet him

user_5566 (over 10 years ago)

breathtaking body killer cock awesome ass best cumshots ever!

user_5564 (over 10 years ago)

He always delivers and the shows get better not boring and same-old-stale like so many camguys. His tumblr is amazing = !!!

user_5563 (over 10 years ago)

he spoils you for any other cammers - hot hung really straight fun and amazing shows Matt is a great personality.

user_5411 (over 10 years ago)

Matt is the KING of Cam4.

user_5409 (over 10 years ago)

the sexiest man I have ever seen. no one else comes close

user_5320 (over 11 years ago)

Matt... You have the best cum face ever! Every show is super sexxy FUN!!

user_5287 (over 11 years ago)

Cam4s best. firefightpat tries to copy matt's shows but hasn't got the appeal matt has

user_4620 (over 11 years ago)

Great guy, great room HOWEVER watch out for USADavid and his many accounts. He has been abusing Matt for years. Don't be fooled by the USADavid account. That's his cover.

BigIrish (over 11 years ago)

smokin hot, aye

Westy (over 11 years ago)

very entertaining and hot as f*ck!!!

beachbum (over 11 years ago)

Maybe the best camshows on - sexy with a great personality and smashing sense of fun with an awesome sense of humor, Treats viewers like they matter.

user_4074 (over 11 years ago)

his shows rawk!!!!! Hot cock and hot bum!!

user_4055 (over 11 years ago)

awesome tumblr too

Bucky (over 11 years ago)

Hottest on Cam4 Add him U wont be sorry

Gunner (over 11 years ago)

Simply Amazing - Hot - Sexy - Friendly - Honest

Leeds, you? (over 11 years ago)

hottest show evah!!! U R a ledge

Matt Kayd (over 11 years ago)

nice guy with a great bum

user_1714 (over 11 years ago)

Watch his Cam4 shows They are awesome

user_1705 (over 11 years ago)

hot, playful, open-minded and very straight - worth the follow

bonemythroat (over 11 years ago)

Hottest cam shows ever. He has a magic trick that will leave you breathless.
