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user_9952 (over 9 years ago)

I discover marcek no so far. I ve been with him in pvt. Hes nice and cute, pleasant and allways smiling playing in the show. Love his moans and attitude. He told me he dont show his face in public because he has been recorded, and his face is probably the best he has. Very manly and handsome. Absolutely amazing.

CamCritic (over 10 years ago)

The first PVT show I had with him was very very hot where he used several dildos and even a policeman's truncation or baton and lasted for almost an hour, the second was not so hot I don't think he was feeling very horny and lasted about 35 minutes but we had agreed an hour but I still enjoyed the show

CamCritic (over 11 years ago)

I have since had 2 very good pvt shows with him in skype, he knows how to please a punter, 7 out of 10

CamCritic (over 11 years ago)

At last got a show and yes he is hot so was the show

CamCritic (over 11 years ago)

Not bad nice body, always starts off with sexy clothes, just wished he show his face now and again was planning on booking a pvt with him but afraid he may have a face like a pigs ass.
