WOW so here we are guys, next day and no post, no links to said evidence and the little liar has not responded. Could it be because he has nothing? No screen shots, no private skype videos, nothing. Yes I may come off as psycho, BUT look at you idiots, talking about someone you dont even know, making assumptions out the ass that you HAVE NO EVIDENCE of, but yet you all pile on saying its true its true! How is it true when you have nothing? All you have are the videos from CB and OF nothing more. Its the same old song and dance from the past 6 years, all talk no evidence, nothing. I HATE LIARS!!
Maybe he didn't respond because unlike you, he doesn't want to push Boner away from camming by revealing personal details but thanks to you user_2971 everyone now knows Boner's real name. Are you proud of what you have done here?
I am mind blown to discover he has a conviction for meeting up with a 'twink' in a public rest room, only the twink turned out to be an undercover cop! just goes to show.. even the guys who act the straightest aren't!
It's more funny to me how people are just now finding out about this all these years later. Seems like the information just helps increase his following, and he just makes more and more money off of it. So in the end, he's having the last laugh. Kinda makes you wonder if he Kim K'd the whole thing himself lol
You 'simple' math is lol. Boner has been around since 2015. Maybe it was CB that made him curious but no one on CB knew of the incident until 2017, a year after the fact. He then stopped camming for ages. Deleted all his social media etc but eventually returned about 9 months later.
Its not wrong. Boner was around in 2015. I even have old recordings of his earlier shows. He also vanished from camming for what seemed like a year after his arrest became public, comments below also prove his absence during that period.
"IF" you did have anything with Boner then you completely destroyed that by putting it all out here in public, because when I showed Boner this thread a long time ago his response was "I have no idea who that ugly clown is" the same response he has when we look at the LPSG site and laugh about the stuff there. I've had this conversation with him about all this and you're all way off on your dates and reasons. The beginning of his cam career is well documented as May 7th, 2016 and WOW wouldnt you just know it, all these alleged videos of all this shit he's done on the side, no where to be found. Go figure. Same old dog and pony show. No evidence.
Mate I urge you to stop. I can post screen grabs of every email we exchanged and I have a video recording of the time we c2c on skype. His real name is Cameron Krohn. keep provoking me and calling me a liar and I will expose a lot more!
Why are you wanting that person to post all of his and boner's private chats? are you wanting boner to stop broadcasting? If, and for the record I believe it to be true as I know which cam model user_14084 is, then you have picked a fight you can't win.
Maybe I'm Boner and I'm calling the LIAR's bluff? You ever thought of that? Maybe I'm fucking tired of all the lies being spread about me, so I'm calling the little LIAR's bluff to show you all what a little lying bitch and prick he is? IF he has what he says he has, then put up or shut up! I KNOW FOR A FACT HE HAS NOTHING! Where the fuck is it? Why doesnt everyone stop speculating and lets see this mountain of evidence the little LIAR has? YOURE NEVER GOING TO SEE IT BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST! LIES LIES LIES RUMORS AND MADE UP LIES! You gays are so full of shit, no wonder everyone hates us the way they do! Just because everyone piles on in a internet blog and says its true does not make it true! Man you dudes should get lives instead of sitting around speculating and guessing about someone elses life. I cant win the fight? What the fuck are you talking about? I HAVE ALREADY WON THE FIGHT! NO EVIDENCE NOT ONE SHRED!!! LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!
You are not Boner, Boner is called Cameron Krohn and you have basically just made everyone on this site aware of the fact Boner was arrested in a public rest room for hooking up with guys. That is all on you so what fight did you win? I hope Boner see's this and decides to no longer cam, that will be your legacy.
Wow user_2971 you need to chill! you are coming over as a totally obsessed lunatic stan! and you are making this so much worse than it is for Boner. Everyone has known about the arrest for 5 years! no one cares and likewise everyone has known Boner has a soft spot for a certain type of guy for years! again no one cares. Please stop !
Its funny really. No one cared at all about boner's arrest by undercover cops or as you say the fact he is curious about some guys yet this person has come on here and basically drawn loads of attention to it. User_14084 is 100% telling the truth and everyone who was around in that year knows it to be true.
Its the classic case of a tipper being in love with the model but the model having fun with sexy guys and girls for free while people like user_2971 have to tip tokens to get attention from said model.
Oh and as I posted years ago below! Boner has always been into guys. I was just 18, and I really do mean ''just'' when me and boner started watching each other. We cum for each other many times. He used to love the idea of me making out with his hole and we discussed the many ways we would flip fuck - yup that's right!! flip fuck!!! we role played uncle and nephew stuff all the time even down to the little details, eg he would me my mom's bother... so a little freaky as it was incest lol
I was 18! can you imagine how amazing that felt for me?! he was, and still is, the sexiest man on Chaturbate. For that whole period I felt like the luckiest teenager in the world
I will post all the screen shots, the video we made in c2c, the snapchat texts, the whatsapp exchanges and much more if you persist. Cameron Krohn is Boner's real name. Don't make me angry or else
user_2971 you should probably stop. The thing is most of us have been around for a decade so know the score. Boner WAS arrested for seeking a MAN to suck him off in the public restroom and it was no publicly stunt for CB. How fucking stupid are you? and its also common knowledge that Boner likes to watch young twinks. If you came here to defend him you've made it worse.
Exactly and who ever 2971 is they really need to stop provoking me and calling me a liar as I know way too much. Cameron was sacked from his job at the supermarket after his arrest, that's just for starters. If 2971 doesn't back off I will post more. Its ironic by accusing me of lying they have made this worse for Boner.. I was barely 18 when me and him were cumming together and I kept every message he ever sent me. I'll start sending them to his friends and family next.
EVERYONE knows hes been arrested! Oh for gods sakes! BUT all these crazy outlandish stories that have come after is such bullshit and looks so stupid when YOU defend all these crazy idiotic lies without any proof! Where are all the screenshots? Gay people are absolute masters at making screenshots, where are they? Any of you big mouths got any links? No of course not, I didnt think so because they dont exist! We only have his public camshows and his stuff from Onlyfans, nothing else! Put up or shut up! Clowns! And dont tell me what to do, I'll say what I want, and this is what gives gay people such a bad name is this behavior, and then you wonder why people dont want to come out of the closet. I've known Boner since before he started camming, way before. It's no secret he's been arrested especially with the police report posted on their website. How fucking stupid are you? You show it everytime you repeat one of these stupid crazy ass lies with no solid proof! Where is it big mouths? I've been around since dial up AOL days when you were probably still in school lol
You should PLEASE DO!!!! Thats how Boner caught his last stalker and got his ass dragged into court! DO IT DO IT DO IT!! FUCKING LIAR!! YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!!
EVERYONE knows hes been arrested! Oh for gods sakes! BUT all these crazy outlandish stories that have come after is such bullshit and looks so stupid when YOU defend all these crazy idiotic lies without any proof! Where are all the screenshots? Gay people are absolute masters at making screenshots, where are they? Any of you big mouths got any links? No of course not, I didnt think so because they dont exist! We only have his public camshows and his stuff from Onlyfans, nothing else! Put up or shut up! Clowns! And dont tell me what to do, I'll say what I want, and this is what gives gay people such a bad name is this behavior, and then you wonder why people dont want to come out of the closet. I've known Boner since before he started camming, way before. It's no secret he's been arrested especially with the police report posted on their website. How fucking stupid are you? You show it everytime you repeat one of these stupid crazy ass lies with no solid proof! Where is it big mouths? I've been around since dial up AOL days when you were probably still in school lol
I had no idea Boner had been arrested for lewd behaviour with gay men in toliets until I saw it here. I should thank user_2971 for keeping this in the public knoweldge!
Oh i've known that boner is into guys for a loooong time lol I was one of them... when I was 18 he came into my room on CB and things went from there. He is good at what he does in making the dollar but he is also very good at leading a double life. We c2c many times and cum together. We also very nearly met up for real but covid travel restrictions meant it couldn't happen when we wanted it to.
That's hot. I saw him watching some sexy young 18 year old Justin Bieber on cam one night but never said anything to boner about it so does look like twinks are his secret thing.
Boner is really sneaky lol he has a thing for twink boys, its a certain type of twink boy and he will only show an interest if he see's you on cam so fakers don't bother. The twinks he does show an interest in are very lucky! he's defo bi despite anything he may claim... just ask Shane Hall.
Boner also loves his daddy. He's got one thats bankrolling him really good right now, so it's not only the twinks he's into. He loves anyone that gives him attention, so dont think he's exclusive to twinks only lol
I wondered what happened to all of the mods in his room. He used to have like 4 or 5 at a time, and then poof they are all gone. I guess maybe he woke up after that hopefully lol
Its like another user said, Boner woke up the fact rebelrouser and co were just after the freebies and the power of being 'mod'. His room is now much better without them. rebelrouser really is the worst, I don't know why guys fall for his BS and he isn't a twink.. hes been around for about 10 years under different guises. Weirdo.
Best body and best cock anywhere on the net only downside is that annoying free loader rebelrouser who despite being around for a decade is still pretending to be 23 year old twink, very stange
Is this another room rebelrouser has taken over?? how can a 'twink' who claims to be at school and has lots of homework to do be online 24 hours of the day and that is what he is, he is on chaturbate 24 hours of the day. Chaturbate is his whole entire life
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I miss him like mad.
WOW so here we are guys, next day and no post, no links to said evidence and the little liar has not responded. Could it be because he has nothing? No screen shots, no private skype videos, nothing. Yes I may come off as psycho, BUT look at you idiots, talking about someone you dont even know, making assumptions out the ass that you HAVE NO EVIDENCE of, but yet you all pile on saying its true its true! How is it true when you have nothing? All you have are the videos from CB and OF nothing more. Its the same old song and dance from the past 6 years, all talk no evidence, nothing. I HATE LIARS!!
Maybe he didn't respond because unlike you, he doesn't want to push Boner away from camming by revealing personal details but thanks to you user_2971 everyone now knows Boner's real name. Are you proud of what you have done here?
I am mind blown to discover he has a conviction for meeting up with a 'twink' in a public rest room, only the twink turned out to be an undercover cop! just goes to show.. even the guys who act the straightest aren't!
It's more funny to me how people are just now finding out about this all these years later. Seems like the information just helps increase his following, and he just makes more and more money off of it. So in the end, he's having the last laugh. Kinda makes you wonder if he Kim K'd the whole thing himself lol
Let's do some simple math. The "incident" happens March 2016 and Boner begins his cam model "career" in May 2016 . . . Things that make you go Hmmmm
You 'simple' math is lol. Boner has been around since 2015. Maybe it was CB that made him curious but no one on CB knew of the incident until 2017, a year after the fact. He then stopped camming for ages. Deleted all his social media etc but eventually returned about 9 months later.
Ok going to bow out of this one, because Boner is a good friend of mine, and your information is so incorrect it's comical lol
Its not wrong. Boner was around in 2015. I even have old recordings of his earlier shows. He also vanished from camming for what seemed like a year after his arrest became public, comments below also prove his absence during that period.
"IF" you did have anything with Boner then you completely destroyed that by putting it all out here in public, because when I showed Boner this thread a long time ago his response was "I have no idea who that ugly clown is" the same response he has when we look at the LPSG site and laugh about the stuff there. I've had this conversation with him about all this and you're all way off on your dates and reasons. The beginning of his cam career is well documented as May 7th, 2016 and WOW wouldnt you just know it, all these alleged videos of all this shit he's done on the side, no where to be found. Go figure. Same old dog and pony show. No evidence.
Mate I urge you to stop. I can post screen grabs of every email we exchanged and I have a video recording of the time we c2c on skype. His real name is Cameron Krohn. keep provoking me and calling me a liar and I will expose a lot more!
Do it liar and I urge YOU to stop your filthy lies! You are freaking delusional on a major scale! Do it coward!
Why are you wanting that person to post all of his and boner's private chats? are you wanting boner to stop broadcasting? If, and for the record I believe it to be true as I know which cam model user_14084 is, then you have picked a fight you can't win.
Maybe I'm Boner and I'm calling the LIAR's bluff? You ever thought of that? Maybe I'm fucking tired of all the lies being spread about me, so I'm calling the little LIAR's bluff to show you all what a little lying bitch and prick he is? IF he has what he says he has, then put up or shut up! I KNOW FOR A FACT HE HAS NOTHING! Where the fuck is it? Why doesnt everyone stop speculating and lets see this mountain of evidence the little LIAR has? YOURE NEVER GOING TO SEE IT BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST! LIES LIES LIES RUMORS AND MADE UP LIES! You gays are so full of shit, no wonder everyone hates us the way they do! Just because everyone piles on in a internet blog and says its true does not make it true! Man you dudes should get lives instead of sitting around speculating and guessing about someone elses life. I cant win the fight? What the fuck are you talking about? I HAVE ALREADY WON THE FIGHT! NO EVIDENCE NOT ONE SHRED!!! LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR LIAR!!!!
You are not Boner, Boner is called Cameron Krohn and you have basically just made everyone on this site aware of the fact Boner was arrested in a public rest room for hooking up with guys. That is all on you so what fight did you win? I hope Boner see's this and decides to no longer cam, that will be your legacy.
Wow user_2971 you need to chill! you are coming over as a totally obsessed lunatic stan! and you are making this so much worse than it is for Boner. Everyone has known about the arrest for 5 years! no one cares and likewise everyone has known Boner has a soft spot for a certain type of guy for years! again no one cares. Please stop !
Its funny really. No one cared at all about boner's arrest by undercover cops or as you say the fact he is curious about some guys yet this person has come on here and basically drawn loads of attention to it. User_14084 is 100% telling the truth and everyone who was around in that year knows it to be true.
I think user_2971 is jealous of user_14084.
Its the classic case of a tipper being in love with the model but the model having fun with sexy guys and girls for free while people like user_2971 have to tip tokens to get attention from said model.
Do it liar and I urge YOU to stop your filthy lies! You are freaking delusional on a major scale! Do it coward!
Oh and as I posted years ago below! Boner has always been into guys. I was just 18, and I really do mean ''just'' when me and boner started watching each other. We cum for each other many times. He used to love the idea of me making out with his hole and we discussed the many ways we would flip fuck - yup that's right!! flip fuck!!! we role played uncle and nephew stuff all the time even down to the little details, eg he would me my mom's bother... so a little freaky as it was incest lol
I was 18! can you imagine how amazing that felt for me?! he was, and still is, the sexiest man on Chaturbate. For that whole period I felt like the luckiest teenager in the world
Youre so fake and phony livin in that dream world in your head! Comments prove nothing. Stop your lies! You're such a joke lol
I will post all the screen shots, the video we made in c2c, the snapchat texts, the whatsapp exchanges and much more if you persist. Cameron Krohn is Boner's real name. Don't make me angry or else
Show them you coward! Show your cards or shut the fuck up!
user_2971 you should probably stop. The thing is most of us have been around for a decade so know the score. Boner WAS arrested for seeking a MAN to suck him off in the public restroom and it was no publicly stunt for CB. How fucking stupid are you? and its also common knowledge that Boner likes to watch young twinks. If you came here to defend him you've made it worse.
Exactly and who ever 2971 is they really need to stop provoking me and calling me a liar as I know way too much. Cameron was sacked from his job at the supermarket after his arrest, that's just for starters. If 2971 doesn't back off I will post more. Its ironic by accusing me of lying they have made this worse for Boner.. I was barely 18 when me and him were cumming together and I kept every message he ever sent me. I'll start sending them to his friends and family next.
EVERYONE knows hes been arrested! Oh for gods sakes! BUT all these crazy outlandish stories that have come after is such bullshit and looks so stupid when YOU defend all these crazy idiotic lies without any proof! Where are all the screenshots? Gay people are absolute masters at making screenshots, where are they? Any of you big mouths got any links? No of course not, I didnt think so because they dont exist! We only have his public camshows and his stuff from Onlyfans, nothing else! Put up or shut up! Clowns! And dont tell me what to do, I'll say what I want, and this is what gives gay people such a bad name is this behavior, and then you wonder why people dont want to come out of the closet. I've known Boner since before he started camming, way before. It's no secret he's been arrested especially with the police report posted on their website. How fucking stupid are you? You show it everytime you repeat one of these stupid crazy ass lies with no solid proof! Where is it big mouths? I've been around since dial up AOL days when you were probably still in school lol
You should PLEASE DO!!!! Thats how Boner caught his last stalker and got his ass dragged into court! DO IT DO IT DO IT!! FUCKING LIAR!! YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!!
EVERYONE knows hes been arrested! Oh for gods sakes! BUT all these crazy outlandish stories that have come after is such bullshit and looks so stupid when YOU defend all these crazy idiotic lies without any proof! Where are all the screenshots? Gay people are absolute masters at making screenshots, where are they? Any of you big mouths got any links? No of course not, I didnt think so because they dont exist! We only have his public camshows and his stuff from Onlyfans, nothing else! Put up or shut up! Clowns! And dont tell me what to do, I'll say what I want, and this is what gives gay people such a bad name is this behavior, and then you wonder why people dont want to come out of the closet. I've known Boner since before he started camming, way before. It's no secret he's been arrested especially with the police report posted on their website. How fucking stupid are you? You show it everytime you repeat one of these stupid crazy ass lies with no solid proof! Where is it big mouths? I've been around since dial up AOL days when you were probably still in school lol
I had no idea Boner had been arrested for lewd behaviour with gay men in toliets until I saw it here. I should thank user_2971 for keeping this in the public knoweldge!
Honestly one of the best cocks ever.
Oh i've known that boner is into guys for a loooong time lol I was one of them... when I was 18 he came into my room on CB and things went from there. He is good at what he does in making the dollar but he is also very good at leading a double life. We c2c many times and cum together. We also very nearly met up for real but covid travel restrictions meant it couldn't happen when we wanted it to.
That's hot. I saw him watching some sexy young 18 year old Justin Bieber on cam one night but never said anything to boner about it so does look like twinks are his secret thing.
Boner is really sneaky lol he has a thing for twink boys, its a certain type of twink boy and he will only show an interest if he see's you on cam so fakers don't bother. The twinks he does show an interest in are very lucky! he's defo bi despite anything he may claim... just ask Shane Hall.
Boner also loves his daddy. He's got one thats bankrolling him really good right now, so it's not only the twinks he's into. He loves anyone that gives him attention, so dont think he's exclusive to twinks only lol
I dont ever see rebel in boner's room anymore. He pretty much has taken over Maximus_787's room now.
Boner stopped giving his mods free access to his token shows. Rebel was always only there for the freebies, like most mods but Rebel is the worst.
I wondered what happened to all of the mods in his room. He used to have like 4 or 5 at a time, and then poof they are all gone. I guess maybe he woke up after that hopefully lol
Its like another user said, Boner woke up the fact rebelrouser and co were just after the freebies and the power of being 'mod'. His room is now much better without them. rebelrouser really is the worst, I don't know why guys fall for his BS and he isn't a twink.. hes been around for about 10 years under different guises. Weirdo.
Love his soild butt. Hole is so tight.
the BEST!
Best body and best cock anywhere on the net only downside is that annoying free loader rebelrouser who despite being around for a decade is still pretending to be 23 year old twink, very stange
Boner was arrested for what ?? I agree about rebelrouser. No way is he 25, he is online 20 hours of the day. He must be a 70 year old dude
I don't understand how Boner can use rebelrouser as a mod when rebel gossiped about Boner being arrested for cruzing in toliets?!
Is this another room rebelrouser has taken over?? how can a 'twink' who claims to be at school and has lots of homework to do be online 24 hours of the day and that is what he is, he is on chaturbate 24 hours of the day. Chaturbate is his whole entire life
i miss him
anyone know where he is? its been ages and he isn't replying to emails
He is back!
He is my favourite too. i miss him
The GOD of all male cam models. Boner is the very best there is anywhere on the net.